DEAR READER, JUST ABOUT A YEAR AGO I met Mr. Apple. It was fun and fascinating and I raved about his fruity knowledge. Well,!... I lucked into meeting the Chief Chocolate Officer!
My friend
And then. After that...we looked across the street and saw an enticing cafe where we thought we'd get a second course. We crossed to the other side, walked up to the door......and straight into chocolate heaven!
There to greet us, with a bright and welcoming smile, was this charming Chief Chocolate Officer--Champion of Chocolate, Chairwoman of Chocolate. Or, hmmm...Chief of the Great Chocolate Council? Whatever you or I or Tom Burford might call her, or she might call herself, she knows more about chocolate than anyone in a six-thousand, seven-hundred and twenty-nine mile (possibly broader) radius (I'm rashly asserting this, based on her extensive knowledge, and the fact that I'm a great lover of chocolate and was so tickled and delighted to meet her. Oh, and also the fact that she's lived on numerous continents and traveled the world, studying chocolate. That, and it's her business!)
We had a rich and velvety time chatting with her, seeing her cafe, meeting her pleasant assistants, and drooling over all the offerings...(Oui! and Oo-la-la!--a recipe borrowed from Marie Antoinette!)
Plus, I had the most divine cup of hot chocolate I've ever imbibed! I was coming back to this place before I even left! Voulez-vous venir avec moi,
Reader Dear?
(yes I crave comments)
I've been talking with Cheryl about making a trip with me to Leola. That might be a good time to go back to the chocolate shop for a treat.
Ummmmmmm, yummmmmmm.
Well, this is enough to make me want to come to Lancaster, right now! You KNOW a chocolate expert from wayyyyyy back,too!
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