First of all, there are bees in my gallimaufry.
They are the kind that form communes under the vinyl siding of rental units, and make their merry entrances at through-the-wall air conditioning units. Oh, how they populate! They've got flocks of would-be members clambering to join every day!
I'm also serving you the variety of bees to whom I've been serving up pears.
This year they've got a real bonanza!
Some kind of culprit is doing damage to my teeny tiny orchard (see center of photo) I know not who or what. Any chance you can help me out, Viewer Dear?!
(The bees and I will wholeheartedly thank you!)
Here's a sweet touch.
It was a terrific CD!*
There was also the delightful party with the four-way shared dessert and the savoring of long-time friendships!
There was even a quite minuscule party held on the kitchen porch, where the lone celebrant was marveling over (and grateful for) the U.S. Postal Service, more of her cherished, long-time friendships, and the good fortune to be born at such a stunning time of year. (She wasn't all that excited by the number of candles that weren't on the cake that she didn't serve at the party)!
*Can't Forget
by the great Leonard Cohen
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