Eve, in the evening, I was still working on the fruit salad. I had peeled and sectioned the great pile of citrus fruit earlier in the day.
Now I cut up the pineapple, washed the grapes, seeded the pomegranate. And I started on the green salad, as well.

I washed the two kinds of lettuce, washed the grape tomatoes, peeled the carrots, peeled the onion, chopped up the (yellow) peppers, mixed up the salad dressing. Then I put together an enormous tasty meal to feed to the chickens on Thanksgiving Day.

"No, no," said The Yard Man, "
chickens don't really like fruit peelings."
Well, what?!" I said. "
I should give them turkey and gravy, make little cannibals of them all?!"
[Next day, they got the fruit, and clucked in a thrilled sort of way])
THANKSGIVING DAY in the morning,
I gently mixed all the cut-up fruit together, added the grapes, cut up the kiwi and added it.

As soon as I had that fruit salad ready to go, I got out two big bowls. I chopped the carrots, chopped the onion, started tearing up the washed greens.
By now, The Yard Man was ready to set out for his sister's house. "
Are you about ready to go?" he asked.

(I was tearing through that job of tearing the lettuce [at least I wasn't tearing up, as the onions caused me to do!) "
Just about ready," I said.
I tossed in the carrots, peppers, onions, tomatoes. Poured on the sunflower seeds.

When it came to the pomegranate seeds, I did a little dance in my head--should I set them waltzing with the fruit, or partner with the lettuce? I couldn't decide, so the pomegranate seeds went solo.
And then we were out the door, The Yard Man whisking two bowls from their waiting spot on the table, while I urged for caution.
(to be continued)