Thursday, April 25, 2013


I CAN BARELY MAKE a cohesive comment, Reader Dear.  I've been busy cooking, staying up late, making movies, and pushing trucks around.  (The blue monster truck with the big fat wheels that flies across the floor and hits the wall and spins around is quite my favorite. [It happens to have favored status with all the other truck-pushers in these parts, as well].)

Now, prior to this past Monday, I wasn't doing much truck-pushing.  (Not that much cooking, dancing, or movie-making, either, to tell the truth [though I have been burning the midnight oil for far too long)  But that all changed this past Sunday evening, when  my Small Actor showed up for an extended visit!  We've been  having a high old time ever since!
The Little Actor came, too, for a shorter visit.

The Little Actor slept over just last night, and unfortunately he had what can only be described as a  ghoulish dream (based strictly on what I've been told).  This morning when that blue monster truck rolled across the dining room floor and into the kitchen, The Little Actor didn't run pellmell in pursuit, but shrank back.  "There are skeletons in there!" he exclaimed with a shudder.*

*As I said, I'm really busy, Reader Dear.
I'll have to let you hang in suspense...
ARE there skeletons in my kitchen?!     


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