Saturday, April 13, 2013


NEARLY EVERY DAY I make the one-mile drive to the Post Office to collect mail from my rented box.  And so it is that nearly every day I get to see my neighbors' holiday adornments.  And, uh....Dear Reader, it just so happens I'm not talkin' Easter eggs! 
It's okay, I told myself today.  They are lovely wreaths.  They looked so pretty in December!
And then I happily focused on the forsythia, such an abundance of seasonal cheer in that short little drive to the post office!                                                                              

Did I ever tell you, Viewer Dear, that YELLOW is my very favorite color?!
(It well nigh made me giddy.)


sk said...

Maybe they died? Should somebody rap on the door and check?

KTdid said...

I have to admit I had a similar thought myself...but that was about two months ago! I think by now...uh...well, you know.