Friday, March 1, 2013


THERE WAS MORE TO OUR SUNDAY in Virginia.   I've got to tell you, Reader Dear, about our afternoon stop in Colonial Williamsburg, because...well...


1.  This spot was so much a part of  every trip back to the old home place, all through the years.  It was fitting to end our goodbyes here.
2.  I wished to show you, Viewer Dear, how the Small Actor was accompanying us in Williamsburg, and was quite fascinated by the impromptu "monkey bars" and the tin whistle we purchased for him in the Apothecary Shop.
3.  In addition, I had to let you see how we dined in style with the small celebrity.
4.  And finally, there was the moon!  I can't help but tell you how we latched onto that fabulous full historic moon, and carried it with us all the way home to Pennsylvania!


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