AS I SAID, I was running around taking pictures. If I am never to see this beloved place again as it exists today--in a somewhat run-down condition, yet pretty much structurally as it was built by my dad all those years ago--then I wanted to make sure I got some back-up memory.
Come on into the living room, Dear Viewer, and you'll see built-in bookshelves aplenty!.
In my parents' former bedroom there's an impossible-to-move chest of drawers, which you'd be able to see if I'd photographed it. (A rather shabby tour, Dear Viewer) At any rate, please notice the bedside dressers and the headboard-cupboard. (On the other hand, please don't notice the old bed skirt. I removed it right after the photo).
Okay, here's what I really wanted to show you--the museum piece, so to speak: We called it "the girls' bathroom" (My father was a master plumber, so he didn't skimp on rooms with plumbing)
At the time of building, my dad had just helped his younger brother get into the tile-laying business. So my Uncle Sammy did the black-and-white work in this pink-fixtured room. The wallpaper has changed over the years, and the toilet tank had to be replaced, but this vintage bathroom is showing its vintage style, I'd say!
This tour could go on, Viewer Dear, but I'd rather go outside now. It is so much mustier and dustier in here than the photos show! (And besides, spending time at the river is way higher up on my list!)
An amazing house. I'm glad we had a stopover.
Oh, me too! Were you only there once, sk?
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