Wednesday, February 13, 2013


SO MY THIRD TRIP TO THE Social Security office did not end well, even after securely stashing the obscene item I had used to take a photo of the entrance door. When my number was called, after an approximate eight-minute wait, I leaped happily to my feet and approached Window number Two. 

"I need to correct an error that has to do with the birth date of my husband's elderly aunt," I politely explained to the man in charge.
"I'm her Power-of-Attorney."

His response came quickly:  "Oh, we don't recognize Power-of-Attorney here. Is she able to sign her name?  Do you have a birth certificate?"


I left with my paper ticket, my wad of not-so-pertinent information, and an  application form to be filled out for a change in Social Security personal data.


*Photo taken at a (somewhat) distant location,  documents spread on the seat of my car. 

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