THE WEATHER IN THESE parts has been one big exclamation point lately! And you know how I love those exclamation points, Reader Dear! Especially when it's nice warm sunny weather that's the cause! Every single day the sun's been shining, the temperature's been soaring, and there's simply no excuse for not walking my four loops! And besides! Though it's mostly dog-walkers, and Amish buggies with their high-stepping horses trotting by, I never know what the day's entertainment might be.
My very first loop today, a special group of students arrived. Dylan described for me their job of emptying last year's nests from the bird houses.
Loop Two brought news from one of the teachers-- they'd forgotten to bring the screw driver,
a critical piece of equipment needed to open the boxes.
A nest was headed for the creek.
Loop Four, well...actually I was on Loop Five ([gasp] I was so energized by the entertainment, I made six loops today!) when I discovered a surprising thing. That bird's nest had hung around the spot where it was tossed into the creek for a whole twenty minutes! Just as I approached the spot once again, and thought to investigate, the nest set sail into the current!
I followed that nest as it was ever more swiftly carried away to the sea.
And, yes, Dear Viewer, I fear I got a little carried away myself!!
(If you watched all that, Viewer Dear, aha; it's plain to see
you jumped right in and let yourself be carried away, as well!)
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