There are yet more meals to be made. There are still more dishes to be washed. But as for playing with the baby, alas, he has left the country! Yes, the little VIP is an international star! He'll be spending time with some of his other adoring fans for the rest of the Christmas Season. You can bet I've already gotten plenty of photos of him to enhance this olio portfolio, however.
Small warning: Expect less elaboration of photos in this installation. I easily get into trouble--yada, yada, yada--running out of time before I run out of words. When studying the photos, rest assured that anyone looking to be less than two months of age is the Little VIP. All others you can reasonably expect to be his kith and kin. (If they look old enough to be his grandparents, I suggest you just assume that they are.*)
---------------------------------------------------------------Grapefruit Standing at the Ready
--------Eating the Brunch--Eating the Grapefruit
Playing with the Baby
-----------------O, Christmas pickles, O Christmas pickles...
Merry Christmas (Season) to all,
and to all a good night!
( Thus ended Christmas Day.
Thus also ends this Christmas Season Olio)
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