HEY, PSST, THINK YOU COULD GET YOUR HANDS ON SOME EXTRA TIME you'd be willing to scalp? I know we're not really allowed any more than the twenty-four seven we've each been allotted; but twenty-five seven or-- oh, heavenly thought--twenty-four eight! would be so very useful right now.
Could you see yourself giving up an hour or two of snoozing for a little extra cash? Those of us who have already severely skimped on slumber and still find ourselves scrambling about would pay handsomely for a few spare hours, I'm sure. Think about it--if you're an excellent time manager, you could tidy up your days just a tad more; tweak a few activities where you've been known to chide yourself for dawdling; eliminate that long morning stretch or those leisurely moments of day-dreaming as you stare out the window and contemplate the perfectly lovely cloud formations and the fact that now since the leaves have gone and left the trees bare, all the nests that were built in the lofty branches are quite visible, and pondering where all the little creatures who used to reside there are spending their Christmas holidays... (oops, I do forget myself--excellent time managers do no such thing!)
It's just that I don't do well with deadlines. Christmas is riding in on a sleigh and I can hear the bells jangling in the distance! (Sorry for the confusing metaphor--I'm not referring to the fat man driving his reindeer--mine is a horse-drawn sleigh, as in sleigh bells ring, are you listenin'? And I'd have to say, no. No, I'm not actually listening. I've got my hands clapped over my ears. But I hear the sound anyway, and it's rapidly approaching!)
So if you've got any time I could beg, borrow or buy (good Kris Kringle and all the elves, I wouldn't steal!) I can't tell you how much I'd appreciate it! Well, yeah, I suppose I could, but it would just take me ever so long...and... I haven't got the time!
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