Monday, January 19, 2009


OKAY, I HELD OFF as long as I could. Now I've simply got to talk about the weather again. It's such doggonish winter weather! It's been cold, as in cold-creeping-in-around-all-the-windows- and-doors cold. As in cold-freezing-Sassy's-water-in-her-bowl-before-she-can-drink-it cold.

Cold as in worrying-that-there-may-inadvertantly-be-an-unheated-vacant-apartment-where-the-pipes-are-freezing-even-as-I-lie-there-imagining-it-in-the-middle-of-the-night cold. It's creaking-and-cracking cold, don't-neglect-to-cover-your-head-and-neck-and-every-limb-and digit cold. Yeah, it's cold.

But then my sister-in-law comes to visit from Ohio and she says that it's really cold there. She says the day she left to come here it was seventeen degrees below zero...and that was the high temperature of the day! I'm not quite sure that I can believe such a whopping cold.

I check the thermometer and it is a balmy fifteen degrees above zero here. Ahhhh.



current typist said...

Our low (-3?) last week was rather modest, I guess, compared to Ohio! Thankfully we didn't have that kind of cold today, but we did have enough flurries to cancel school early--and then the flurries stopped and I was still able to ride bike home! -cp

KTdid said...

You are a brave man!