which was a celebration of the three precious years since The Tiny Actor joined the race!*
It was a merry and memorable birthday party, which early on featured The Tiny Actor and The Small Actor saying in unison, "We'll never do that again!"
(Er, seems they were playing upstairs, unattended, when they found a gel-pack [also,
unattended]. What fun to poke holes in the heavy plastic of the pack. What a creative inspiration to spread the blue goo all over the window...the sill...er, the rug.)
Oh, but then...while the little actors were making their vow to never again open a gel-pack and decorate a room with the contents, Ari (First Son-in-Law) was making a lot of noise with the wet-vac! (Seems he spilled a five-gallon bucket of water that he was using to clean up the blue mess!)
Other events, of course, went well. There were presents! (Over-eager celebrities at the party needed just a few gentle reminders that the party was in honor of only one of them in particular!)
There was yummy food!
Oh, and, Reader Dear...there was a disco ball! It was a hit with all the little celebrities.
It appeared to be The Tiny Actor's favorite gift!
*Human race, of course (even though there are often times when all the small celebrities act like little monkeys!)
Oh, and a few final events of the evening: Leave-taking of Small Actor and his caretakers, saying good-bye, good-bye, thanks for the party! Donning coats and exiting the home of The Tiny Actor. Several minutes later, re-arriving at the door! (Here's where the party featured Only Son and Only-Son's-Wife saying, "We'll never do that again!")**
**...to be continued
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