Our little group spent hours and hours riding the road.
Some of us listened to The Cat in the Hat and Horton Hears a Who on CD (multiple times).
All of us ate snacks.
Some of us read The Sweetest Fig aloud (multiple times).
All of us ate french fries at Burger King (but only once).
Some of us took lengthy naps.
All of us noticed U.S. flags flying along our route.
Some of us got surprise toys pulled out of a bag every once in a while.
All of us listened to a CD of children singing Christmas songs (multiple times).
All of us, Reader Dear, visited the Virginia Welcome Center,
where only the smaller two shook hands with the puffy-skirted lady, and puzzled over the soldier who lacked hands.
Also puzzling to these two were the mixed messages of love and hate. (Er, well, hanging near the apple display was the Virginia state flag.)
"Was he a bad guy?!" he asked, in wonderment.
What I wanted to say: Sic Semper Tyrannis means We're Just Playing
All of us got back in the car and continued on our way.
All of us got exceedingly weary of the trip.
And, then, finally (as darkness fell), all of us (very fortunately) arrived at our destination!
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