Honestly, though, I took the photos mostly because I couldn't stop myself. When I glanced out the window and was surprised to see the air polka-dotted with snowflakes, I had to record it.
And it's almost embarrassing,
Viewer Dear, how often I snap photos of the sky!
Then, too, there was an evening when nature was helping me out as a back-up fridge. I set a full pot of soup on the porch to cool. The next morning when I thought to bring it in, it was frozen solid.
It was a cooking first.
I also had to make a record of the trip The Yard Man and I took to the movies one evening when I was going stir-crazy, and he was crazy enough (eager) to drive us over unplowed roads to the theater. I was happy enough (grateful) to ride along!
I'll have to admit, over the holidays I took lots of photos of food, too. Oh, boy, the food!
At the extended, but not-too-extended, family Christmas celebration with the Yard Man's clan:
At the New Year's Eve party, where we like to carry on our traditions:
The food is always delectable!
The friends are always dear!
The game is always dominoes!
(And, [how on earth does this happen?!] the women always win!
At the even-more-extended family reunion on New Year's Day, where the tables are even-more-extended!
Some might say it's puzzling, the number of photos I carry around.
But you understand (or please say that you do), Dear Viewer of mine; I can't blog without them!
*This is still going on.
I'm losing my fascination with it, Reader Dear.
1 comment:
You're back, how lovely.
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