Tuesday, January 22, 2013



Tonight's performance was by my two short actors, and The Yard Man and I didn't have to leave the comfort of our own home to enjoy the show!  The Small Actor* opened with a solo performance of Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star, which was followed by a piano duet by both celebrities.  After a few more collaborative numbers, it was apparent the musical styles of the two did not harmonize.  The Little Actor climbed from the piano bench in disgust.  "We're a rock band!" he exclaimed.
With that, he dropped to the floor and resumed his playing--but this time with the Fisher-Price parking garage.

 You can believe it, Reader Dear, it was not your usual mid-concert occurrence!  
The Small Actor seemed a bit nonplussed, but shortly continued on with his classical pieces.
Meanwhile, The Little Actor wheeled another car into the garage.

*(Small Actor happened to be in the area somewhat unexpectedly,
and left the area after the concert to
return to his southern Virginia home.)

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