Friday, November 30, 2012


DEAR READER, Reader Dear, I've been too busy to blog!   (It's a patent falsehood, but it sounds so much better than the truth.  And...I have been scampering around a bit, getting my pottery pieces [those that sat dejectedly in two grocery bags in a corner of my attic for a number of years] all ready to go into a wood-fired kiln!]

It's something I'll get to experience for the very first time--the loading and firing up of a wood-burning kiln.  And that, Reader Dear, gets me fired up!*

*You're guaranteed to hear more later.**
**That's no falsehood.



gyjb50 said...

If you are the potter of shown pottery, I am impressed!

KTdid said...

Yep. I am.
Thank you!