I'M SHAKING MY HEAD, Reader Dear, and imagining you doing the same. I mean, really! You're not going to be just a tad bit exasperated to hear that another whole day was spent in the throes of "togetherness" syndrome?! Before I go into all kinds of detail, let me hasten to say--it was definitely the Last Hurrah! It was one final jaunt, with one final remaining out-of-town wedding guest; tomorrow this sis-in-law gets carted off to the airport, and thus will officially end the week- long extravaganza of camaraderie with the family of The Yard Man.*
Now to begin with, the weather put me on
Our first stop was one end of a spectrum, in terms of merchandise displayed.
I apologize for failing to photograph the creative little gardening benches and other constructs crafted by the Amish man
who owns this place!
Okay, so moving along to the next stop. Reader Dear, if you are feeling a little gnawing of the stomach, and wishing for something fantastic to snack upon, you'd best avert your eyes. You're going to have a heck of a time looking at Emma's coated popcorn treats and knowing you've none to nibble.
Yessiree, these bags of popcorn with monikers such as "Chocolate Almond Joy" and "Dark Chocolate Popcorn--a dark drizzle of yummy" are just too yummy to describe. You'll have to conjure something up in your imagination, Reader Dear! Or better yet go visit Emma for yourself, and taste the many samples!
She's a great shopkeeper--tearing open a bag to let us sample, then reducing the price of the bag when one of us was ready to buy it.
"Hmm, how does that work?" I asked. "I'd be happy to eat, right here and now, this popcorn I'm about to buy..."
As we left Emma's shop, I wasn't quite so hungry for lunch.
And of course we weren't done buying food from young Amish women.
But eventually we got to Green Dragon, the really big Farmer's Market that is open for business each Friday, and where one can find about anything one can dream up in the way of food. Suddenly I was hungrier than I had a right to be!
I was going to take more photos, Viewer Dear, but I got carried away with the Quinoa-Black Bean Salad I found, and about which I had to do a little raving; and there was raving about the oyster sandwiches and the filled-pretzel sandwiches and I don't know what all else those fellow female family members were consuming, and... well, before I knew it we were on our way to our next stop!
It appears, Reader Dear, that we'll be on our
way until some time in the future when I get around to taking us further.
Ahem. What I mean to say is:
Hasta manana!
To be continued)
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