IT'S A HODGE-PODGE. Because, well...what else can one do with a bunch of stray tidbits swept up together?!
There was that day of hearts and flowers.
And then two days later, there was that birthday party for the yard man's Uncle John, (who no longer lives in Arizona, whaddayaknow)
(not to mention
Lest you suppose, Dear Reader, that I've only been tripping around in flower-filled-chocolate-eating-warm-wishes sunshine...there was also that day of drywaller-patching-painter-coated-plumber-caulking rain.
Which was also the day I was forced to put hand to the plow (so to speak), and clean two apartments for re-rental.
Not to mention that day that my infant cell phone, which I've coddled and cajoled into cooperation, had to be extensively examined by executioners of cell phone repair!
Bringing me, ultimately, to today, this day of Little Actor-feet-in-train-cars delight!
What is that slimy pink mass amidst the lettuces?
That, my dear Shirley, is a HEART! A red pepper cut-out valentine! Though I can see, upon looking at the photo again, how it could be misconstrued as a "slimy pink mass"! I'm so happy I could clear up that misconception!
(It was crunchy and delicious)
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