OF ALL THE THINGS I've pondered ere this, Dear Reader, I've never thought to wonder what food I would eat should I never get hungry. And now, thanks to that digestive brouhaha of a few days ago, there's no need to noodle around in my head over this.
While this is a fantastic way to lose weight, it does have a down side. It's somewhat detrimental to staying alive.
So here's what I've discovered--Oatmeal is my go-to food!
With little incentive to eat, it must be the easy kind, of course: Rip open the packet. Empty into bowl. Stir in hot water. Eat.
I've discovered it's good for staying alive.
*No, no. There was only one kind of chili at the Super Bowl party.
But there were nineteen kinds at the noon-time meal at church, a great Chili Contest! I wasn't there, but the yard man reported to me that the winner, voted best chili-maker by all who sampled, confessed in a sheepish way: She'd cooked up some chili the day before; her teen-aged kids discovered it; lo, it disappeared. So she rushed to make more on Sunday morning. She'd simply dumped cans of Hormel chili into the crock and added jalapeno peppers!
Oatmeal--ah. The real kind (quick, not rolled), not cooked to mush, with raisins. Lots of melty brown sugar on top, and puddled around the edges, cold milk. It's my standby breakfast and I'm not sick except maybe in the head.
Mmmm, yes, Shirley. Sounds wonderful. Making me hungry!
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