I'LL WAGER, READER DEAR, YOU NEVER OPENED A POSTAL PACKAGE to find walnuts. On second thought, if I'm betting on it, let me amend that to walnuts in the rough--good English walnuts in the shell. Oh, and I'll stipulate further: they had to be sent by friends, not just from some mail-order company! And, more thing. Along with the walnuts, there had to have been included a homemade pick (I received one, and it was fashioned from a nail; but this one--this one showing up in my wager--it could have been made from anything at all. I won't be a stickler about that).
(Because--unlike you--I did receive walnuts in the mail, and they are from friends, and, by George, I do need that pick made by George!)
I spent the afternoon engrossed in a project that's completely new to me. Never before have I worked on a design for two gravestones; well, to be honest, not even for just one gravestone.
The consensus was two markers for the graves of my parents, and it was I who suggested that the design flow from one to the other. Good idea! my siblings agreed. Go ahead and show us what you have in mind! So I'll show you, too, Dear Reader, when I've got it done...
Tea is my hot drink of choice and brewing loose tea is what I prefer. A few weeks ago I came across this big glass mug at the thrift store. It's as large as a small soup bowl, and perhaps it is meant for sipping soup. But I've started brewing my tea leaves in it and this has bumped up the pleasure of my tea-drinking considerably. Every morning, now, I take delight in my see-through bowlful of tea.
On this eve of Thanksgiving Day, I am thankful for you, Dear Reader. I am ever so thankful for you!
Enjoyed your post. They sure look like Black Walnuts to me which are very difficult to shell. English walnuts are easy. If you let the black walnuts dry some they will be easier. Just saying....
Enjoyed your blog post. Those look like Black Walnuts to me and they are difficult to shell. It helps a little if they dry some. English Walnuts have a light tan shell and shell easy. Just saying....
I am having trouble getting this to accept my post. Not sure what I am doing wrong. I will try one more time.
I enjoyed your blog post. I do believe you have Black Walnuts and they are difficult to shell. English
Walnuts are easy and have a light tan shell. Just saying...
Yeah, they were most likely Black Walnuts. (I got all three comments--thanks!!) Not sure why you had trouble.
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