That's right--not a single little witch, goblin or ghost scuffled across the front porch and banged on the door, crying a muffled "Trick-or treat!" from behind a mask; my yard man and I got nary a request for candy, in spite of leaving the porch light on far into the evening.
And then, today, my yard man dressed up like a cowboy (Well, the hat wasn't exactly a cowboy hat, and he didn't wear boots, so I suppose I'm exaggerating ever so slightly) and drove off out of town to round up some horses, leaving me all alone with this devil of a bowl of little temptations!
hi mom, we also did not get a single trick or treater, and there's a big bowl of candy here, too!
have a much larger bowl of candy and we had a lot of trick or treaters, here...all kinds of candy that I like. This year I didn't just buy types of candy that I don't like so I am really in trouble. Send some of the York peppermint patties this way; they're favorites of mine! No, don't. They would be even more tempting than the Reese pb sticks and the different types of M&M's.
Delores, I'd love to send you the peppermint patties! However, the little devils have almost all vanished! Arrrrrgh!
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