OKAY, IT'S BEEN A FEW DAYS since the wedding, but it was only yesterday that the yard man and I said goodbye to the bride and groom and that en masse group and headed off toward the Colorado River and Route 66. Before I chatter on about that and today's adventures, I'll give you the low-down on what we did post-wedding.
was the perfect day for relaxing, and the newly-weds' deck was the perfect spot to do so.
We lounged and enjoyed the JWETs tossed liberally about.
(I guess you don't know about JWETs, Dear Reader. They're a specialty of this particular family group, which contains a few folks who are highly proficient at creating them--Jokes, Wisecracks and Elaborately-told Tales.)
When the need to bestir oursevles returned, some of us hiked out the back door and right up the mountain, the new groom leading the way. He was packin' protection against rattlesnakes (or so he claimed that's why he carried that gun!) and had fun demonstrating that he's quick on the draw.
The new bride set to work, preparing a feast of a meal for us all.
Monday: the en massers set out for that great big hole in the earth, a.k.a. the Grand Canyon. We trooped here and there, rode the shuttle bus from one spectacular point to another and (personally speaking, at least) gasped and wow!-ed and otherwise vigorously exclaimed over the wonder of it (never having glimpsed this natural phenomenon before--never having joined these five million thronging visitors per year!)
At the end of this excursion, my yard man and I waved goodbye, and "thank you," and "safe journeys" and
"happily ever after!" to our wonderful hosts and the rest of the entourage and drove off directly into the sunset (another quite striking natural phenomenon).
*with any luck, today's adventures
will be told tomorrow...I'm still
on vacation, you know!
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