
BLOW-UP mattress on the floor and looked out the window of Uncle John's second-floor office. The sun was shining brightly and I could smell coffee, fresh eggs and sausage; a rowdy breakfast was underway. Down below on the patio, fruit was being chopped up to go on big platters. The house was filled with hustle and bustle, as I'm sure you can easily imagine, Dear Reader, when you consider that twelve guests were housed here last night, and following breakfast they all pitched in to prepare for a wedding reception.
Ahhh," I lamented to my yard man, after I'd seen the ranch by daylight and taken a tour, "
There's no way I can blog about all of this [interesting features of the ranch and house--and especially its engaging occupants!!]
I guess I'll just have to stick with reporting on the wedding.")

Oh, but I've got to give you a quick little view from the spacious front deck! It's where the reception will be held:

So, back to preparations, which were ultimately finalized; the sixteen folks (four more relatives had joined the crowd) who now filled the house piled into vehicles to follow the bride and groom on the fifteen-mile trip to the church, where the 86-year-old minister awaited. The church's formal name is Seligman Christian Fellowship, but it's lovingly called
The Cowboy Church.
Now, without further ado, I'll take you down the aisle with the bride, Dear Reader, and give you the ceremony...or at least a few snippets of it:
And a few photos of the delightful spread that was
served to thirty-some guests at the reception.
It all came off without a hitch,
now they are hitched!!
Congratulations, Dear Uncle John and
Aunt Gloria!
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