Wednesday, September 1, 2010


YESTERDAY EVENING I WENT TO bestow upon the chickens a feast of corncobs and watermelon rinds, with a side of avocado skins, red pepper stems and wilted lettuce leaves.
Who should I see but Ms. Chicken-Who-Walks-About, walking about with two friends!!

Ms.Chic-Who  was clucking animatedly to the other two, "Oh, you're going to love this--running around wherever you please! Old Mr. Cock (I'm sorry, Reader Dear;that's what she called him!) can crow all he wants for you to behave, just ignore it! It's Chicken's Lib!" She pecked the ground excitedly. "The Yard Man lives here, you know--that guy who steals our would-be chicks every morning. He's a sweetheart, really. If he sees you out here in the great open world, he's liable to pick you up and give you a hug!"

Just then she spotted me coming their way. Awk! She flapped her wings and flew into the fenced-in area. "But look out for that woman he lives with!"  she squawked, "She's a disgrace to all liberated females! If she sees you out here, she'll screech and holler and threaten WING-CLIPPING or WORSE!"


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