THIS TIME IT'S A SALMAGUNDI! (You have nothing to fear, Dear Reader, but fear's only an olio, not some reptilian creature. But why am I explaining? Perhaps you already throw this word around a lot at your house--What do you want for dinner tonight? I've got a real salmagundi of leftovers in the fridge, or I'm off to the thrift store--do you want to add your old shoes to this salmagundi I'm donating? [And if you don't, I suggest you give it a'll find so many ways to work it in. (I'm not saying it'll make you more friends, but it will be impressive, no doubt.)]).
So here it is, my hodgepodge, my salmagundi--a whole week's worth:
In which--on Saturday--the Little Actor had a
moving experience (into his new home),
and then a strange and out-of-body one
(I was a witness).
In which--on Sunday--the Little Actor (and a
small group of his next-of-kin [including moi of course]) threw a party for his father.
In which--on Tuesday--the train rolled in.
And--on Thursday--the train rolled out.
My sister spent two days with me.
She reveled in the crowing of the rooster,
and things she never sees in Brooklyn.
In which--on the day before this one--I dropped in to see how the quads were doing, only to find that their train had also left the station (or...
hmm, it's quite possible they went by air).
And now, just to add a little hodge to the podge, and throw in something from today: it struck me that the particular piece of kitchen equipment I was using on some crusty loaves of bread I'd just brought home has certainly racked up the years (without once needing service or repair)--I'd guess it's about thirty-three years old and counting.
Wow. I'd say any way you slice it, that's
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