
DISAPPEARED! It's true. Just a few hours ago, on my way home from my first meeting as a politician
(er, uh...I know I have some explaining to do, but not now, Dear Reader, okay? Please give me a moment of silence while I process this loss), I approached their place of residence on the wire and glanced fondly up to check on them. But...
what? Only startling emptiness there where they'd hung for so long! I drove under the wire, craning my neck, hoping to see that they had somehow shifted to a different spot. Then I turned the car around and pulled off the road.

I was hoping to find them in a pile on the ground, or maybe thrown off into the grassy area nearby. But, sadly, I found not a trace of them--not a single one of the four.
I took a picture of the unadorned wire to show you, Dear Reader; and then, feeling a little nostalgic, I walked to the other side and took another shot-- into the fading sunset.
After which I continued on my way home, the corruption of governments now forgotten, my mind on
who would have taken my shoes?!
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