Thursday, April 8, 2010


I'VE BEEN WISHING FOR quite some time to show you a picture
of my shoes. You see, I like to look at them; they make me smile.
Thoughts of showing them to you, Dear Reader, usually strike me
when I'm traveling down the road. I rather abruptly pull onto the
shoulder, hop from the car with my camera, and take a few pictures
of them...yes, yes, I know it's odd! The first time I did this was
about a year ago. It made me feel a little silly, and I sat in my car for
a while beside the road, peering in the rear view mirror, waiting for
some cars to pass. Fortunately I was on a not-so-beaten path and
soon enough the road was clear--no passers-by to frown and raise
their eyebrows.
Snap, snap, snap.
I snagged my pictures and jumped back into the car. But...I didn't show
them to you then, Dear Reader. The pictures I'd taken of my shoes just
languished in my camera.

Lo and behold, it was a long time later, seasons had come and gone; this
time the leaves were falling from the trees when the inspiration hit me
once again. Having done it before, it didn't seem so odd the second time.
I just swung the car off the road, boldly focused on my shoes and took a
picture. When I looked at the shot I'd taken, I saw it was a good one--this
shot I'd show to you.

But alas, you didn't see that photo either... And so it went. Succeeding
times the urge would strike and I would tell myself to let it go! I didn't
need another picture of the shoes!
I could simply show you one I already
had. But then I'd think, These shoes (so elevated in my estimation)
won't last forever! Better take another picture now!

So that is how I gained a neat collection: My Shoes as They Appear at
Various Times and Seasons. And you, Dear Reader, are going to see them
now. Maybe it will stop my small shoe-snapping habit; but then again, who
knows. The first time I set eyes on them, these shoes were a high point
in my day. Until they finally fall from that high place, I'll likely fight
the urge to put on the brakes,
pull to the side of the road,

look over my shoulder in a sheepish way,


and get yet another picture of these shoes.



Anonymous said...

What a coincidence!

First of all, this is the first time I've looked at your blog. I clicked on your latest comment on JJ"s blog.

Second of all, yesterday while traveling on a certain road in Lancaster county, just ready to get onto another highly traveled road we spotted 'your shoes'. It has to be the same ones you are referring to. We wondered how they got there and how long they were hanging on.

JJ's Aunt V.

KTdid said...

Ha, that is a coincidence! I can tell you they've been hanging on for more than a year! The first time I saw them I was so tickled since I liked the surprise and silliness. I supposed that the electric co. would snatch them off as soon as they noticed...but maybe they like the shoes, too!

(I really like coincidences, too!..thanks for your comment, Aunt V. to JJ.)