IT'S TIME for me to stop talking about the weather. Heavens, one would think I were an old lady! So instead of telling you about all the cold weather we've been having, I'm going to tell you why I titled this post Madeleine.
Simple: it's the second in my series of favorite words. (Let me explain that these words are not in any particular order. In fact I only just decided to make it a series because I've got plenty more to offer). I'm so fond of this sweet word for several reasons and maybe if I'm clever enough I can allude to them all in one recipe.
Here's a literary madeleine of mine:
In an old house in Paris that was covered with vines,
lived twelve little girls in two straight lines
They left the house, at half past nine...
The smallest one was Madeline.
I learned to know ze little French girl when I was about her age. I daydreamed about living in two straight lines (Of course I'd want to be in the spot beside Madeline!). I liked that she was mischievous. I liked that she talked in rhymes. And wow...she was the smallest one! Just like me. Could it be that she, too, more often than she wanted, had to listen to these mollifying words "... good things come in small packages, you know!"
As far as I can now recall
she never said how she liked "small."
Perhaps she didn't mind at all.
As for me, it was no piece of cake. Being the smallest in every class of grade-school was somewhat of a burden to bear, and I was always looking for the bright side. And now, while
we're on the subject of smallness...and speaking of cake...
How'd I do
writing about this word, for you...
Would you like a recipe, too?

You're doing well with this blog. Are you planning to put it all into a book someday? I think I missed the first favorite word in your series. Enlighten me, please.
Thank you. If it were a book would you buy it? (I guess I'd have to drop the video clips. Maybe I could publish it for a you know anyone who has one of those things?)
The first favorite word...Oct. 29 post...Olio.
Remember? I know you read it cause you have a comment there.
Who please is broncoberry?
P.S. A kindle, horrors.
broncoberry? I refer you to August 10.
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