Monday, May 19, 2014


Viewer Dear, to gather up loose ends and present them to you.  When I have done this in the past, I've called it an Olio.  Or a Hodge-podge.  Even a Gallimaufry. A couple times it was labeled a Salmagundi. Yes,  I've got quite a mish-mash of names for an Olla Podrida! This time,  I'm just letting loose the loose ends.  No title.

Three months ago, we lost a window.
 As of last week, it's back!

These flowering plants are growing in Asheville, North Carolina.
Three weeks ago, they posed very nicely for me.


This cat, also, is
growing in Asheville, North Carolina.  Her name is Freddie and she lives with Dark-Haired Daughter and David.   She posed for me, as well, three weeks ago.  But she was very hesitant.  And then she attacked me, the naughty grand-cat!


Three weeks ago, I saw a parking area off the Blue Ridge Parkway that looked like it belonged near an ant colony.  I was quite happy that, in order to once again view the automobiles
as human-sized, I had gravity to assist me back down the very vertical mountainside! 

Mother's Day picnic in the park.*

*It was more than three days ago,
as everyone well knows.

Three days ago is when I met this dog.
His name is Dakota.

Dakota was in the Post Office parking lot when I talked to him and exclaimed over him.  He was far bigger than ant-sized.  In fact, he appeared to me to be lion-sized!


sk said...

I prefer the cat.

KTdid said...

sk, to what?

sk said...

The lion.

KTdid said...

Aha, yes. Though it was an exceptionally mild-mannered lion (so the owners said). A big baby. Not likely to attack a grandperson.

sk said...

You're hilarious.

KTdid said...

Thank you, sk. Sometimes I laugh at myself, but, usually (alas) it is in derision!