I FOUND OUT YESTERDAY that birthday surprises can keep trickling in, sometimes in serendipitous ways! "Want to go get pizza with us?" our First Daughter asked my yard man and me. It was early evening and still light outside; she and our first son-in-law and the Little Actor had stopped by our house. "Sure!" I responded enthusiastically. She wanted to go to a place called Uncommon Pizza (because "normal is boring," said the advertisement she showed me [The advertisement also gave us the address, with a little map (We glanced at it, First Daughter and I)]).
Our little group set off in our two separate cars, in a rush to get there. But, alas. We drove carefully around the entire shopping area where we expected to find this place, and it wasn't there!
"Where is it?!" asked First Daughter through her open car window. "Don't you have the advertisement?"
"Nope," I responded through my open car window, "Don't you?"
Our two cars were idling in front of the last shop in the row of them. It was a specialty bakery.
Hmmm. Now what?
First Son-in-law hopped from their car. "I'll ask!" he said. He entered the cupcake shop.
He emerged with a box. "They have no idea where it is, but I got us some cupcakes. They can be birthday cupcakes!" he said. "Boy, did it smell good in there!"
And about an hour later, after the yard man had whipped out his smart phone and directed us all on a peculiar three-mile path to the pizza shop, and we'd eaten the uncommonly good pizza, we devoured those fantastically non-boring birthday cupcakes purchased for me by my extraordinarily thoughtful son-in-law!
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