Wednesday, July 11, 2012



DEAR VIEWER: The Happy Birthday Surprise*
A Story in Pictures**

*Well, you know, Reader Dear, it came close to being a surprise.

Or at least it was a surprise for a few minutes.

At any rate, the Little Actor's mama couldn't see the brownie cake when she walked in the door; we had squirreled it away quite nicely.

So, except for that tantalizing aroma...

...and that irresistible urge to talk about some kind of cake...

...and the, oh, the tiny bit that slipped out about decorating...

and, um, a few words about candles...
 was such a grand surprise!!

Happy Birthday, Suzy-Q!


Post Script:

**It's no secret...a few words slipped out, too......

1 comment:

gyjb50 said...

What a splendid way to celebrate - to bake the cake and eat it too! Happy Birthday salutations to the birthday girl and her mother (and of course to the baker man too).