DO I REALLY NEED to say it again, Dear Reader?
I'm at the grocery store, okay?!
All around me at the little cafe tables folks are relaxing; one woman chats on her cell phone, a man reads the morning paper. One or two persons are eating an early lunch (though it may be a late-morning snack, alas, I can't tell you for sure.) In spite of the bright sunshine, a fire still burns in the gas fireplace.
Moments ago, a sweet woman stopped by my table to tell me, "I noticed your purse; it's very pretty! I love those colors; it's something I would choose!" A random act of kindness, Reader Dear, that compliment.
It made me think of yesterday's random act of kindness--a warning--also from a stranger at the grocery store. I'd solicited his advice about the preparation of salmon (Well, there we were at the counter, waiting while the store employee divided up that sizable filet for the two of us.) "How are you going to prepare yours?" I'd asked. He would simply bake it, he said. Eight minutes on each side--350 degrees. Then off he went, and as soon as I'd gotten my paper-wrapped hunk of salmon, so did I. But that wasn't the end of it, Reader Dear! A few minutes later he was back at my cart: "Always get the wild salmon!" he cautioned. "You can get intestinal worms from the farm-raised!"
"Hmm? Really?"
I discovered he had far more to say in regards to his warning! His stomach-turning saga of colonic cleanses (and even a gall bladder clean-out) lasted a good fifteen minutes! (I realize how bizarre it must sound [and I'm cringing (much as I did yesterday as the minutes ticked by]). I simply couldn't help myself, Reader Dear, standing there in the grocery store aisle with shoppers scurrying by--collecting food for their savory recipes, overhearing snippets ..."the worms looked like little bed sheets!..." My mouth was agape. His tale was so fascinating for its in-depth detail (no pun intended), but most of all for his unabashed telling of it!
Not to mention my unabashed recording!
(Consider my act of kindness, Dear Viewer: this video is brief!)
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