IF YOU THOUGHT ABOUT it at all, Dear Viewer, you may have wondered at the dearth of new movies I've offered lately. Whatever has slowed production? (You might ask.) What about all that action I'm generally so fond of showing. And, my goodness, has the Little Actor given up on his promising career?!
Definitely not the case! (I'd quickly assure you.) Production, in fact, has not slowed in the least. The Little Actor is growing ever more adept, and I've loads of moving tales to tell! You're just not seeing them, Dear Viewer, and my camera is the problem. Or...possibly it's my computer. There's even the merest little scintilla of a chance that the problem lies with me. Although, of course, no matter what is causing it--whether the inadequacy of my camera-adjusting, computer-fiddling abilities, or an actually malfunctioning piece of equipment--the problem still ends up being mine.
And here's the thing: I can still produce my movies. Further, I can even show my movies. It's simply the way they must be presented that is causing me distress, holding me back. In order to explain, I guess I'll just have to show you a sample.
So here it is: a BLACK BOX. That's it--the problem, plain and simple! I've produced the movie. And, yes, you can watch it. But is there a clue who's starring in this movie, or an interesting photo to draw you into the action? Is there any photo at all to enhance the face of the posting? Oh, ho--NO! Just a blot. An ugly, unpleasant blot!
Now you can go ahead and watch it...
Ha! Did my lovely little movie get you squirming? Perhaps, Dear Viewer, when it comes to creatures with one hundred legs, you're one of those "can't-stand-the-sight-of-em" sort. And did you have even a hint of what was to come? Did you have fair warning?
Okay, here's another BLACK BOX:
Ordinarily, do you suppose I'm going to calmly fold my arms
and accept a BLACK BOX, where there should instead be a photo of
my piano-playing twin?! I think not.
And I've got another (well, lots of others, to be honest):
Have I made my point?
Okay, then!
And since this posting is already just a fine
mess o' BLACK BOXES, I'll give you my latest movie:
Equine Babes (filmed today!)
And it's sequel: A Moment Later
(And now, Dear Viewer, if you see a BLACK BOX in a
future posting, you will know this producer has
something she simply must show you--BLACK BOX or no!)
P.S. I must give credit to the Little Actor, who acted as my consultant on the horse baby movies today, then took a starring role in Avocado Aficionado (in which the Director of Lighting loused up the job, and the movie, alas, had to be scrapped.)
when is that little actor going to have some speaking parts?
Hi Delores, I'm hoping he can advance to that within the next couple months. I keep coaching him! You can bet I'll be releasing a new movie the minute he's ready, even if it's still showing BLACK BOXES!
Well, at least there is a nice surprise after the black boxes! I especially like the kittens and the piano playing twin!! LTF
And LTF! Did you notice the tune? (go way, way back to a little yellow song book!)
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