I WAS ALMOST LATE GETTING to my job this morning. I think that I've mentioned it before, Dear Reader, the fact that I deliver papers on Saturday mornings. It's a very part-time job, as I only do it two Saturdays of the month (the first and third)...and only between the hours of 8:00 and noon.
In spite of the very limited time I spend at this job (or possibly because of that fact), I confess that I often forget it's on my schedule! Can you believe it? I'm lolling around on a Saturday morning, thinking ah, the weekend! I'm kicking back, feeling no pressure, relaxing in the moment, going with the flow. I'm chatting on the phone. I'm browsing the web. I'm making myself a cup of tea. I'm noticing I need more paper towels from the basement stash. I'm going down the stairs and I'm...gasp!...I'm seeing all those bags of papers!
I've taken to writing myself a reminder, which I stick to the door of the fridge on Friday nights (or Thursday nights, or Wednesday nights, or possibly the first Saturday night of the month...) because it's always pleasant when I've not only remembered the job at least a few minutes before I have to be there, but prepared in advance--gotten the car loaded with my bags of papers and anything else I need to accomplish the job*.
Yes, I really enjoy this little endeavor.
There's a nice camaraderie at the recycling center, all those folks who are also making deliveries, racing to beat the clock like myself.
Mr. Recycle Guy is friendly and cheerful. He hoists my bags and boxes, but won't show his face--Oh, no you don't! No way! It'll break your camera! He often locks the gate when I leave, happy to send me on my way and be done for the day.

And I'm happy too. I feel a couple tons lighter, buoyed by the fact that
I actually got my papers delivered today!

* That would be cardboard, corrugated only.
Psst! I took the guy's picture last winter
and my camera's just fine!

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