Well, it wasn't actually as moving for me as it was for friends of mine who are packing up more than a few carloads of furnishings and leaving the house in which they've lived for nearly thirty years. They're transitioning into a newer, smaller place...and you can imagine that involves some extreme sorting of accumulated stuff, a lot of moving decisions.
So I got the delightful job (I believe I just assumed the role) of "Kitchen Move-in Consultant" in spite of being a rank amateur --as opposed to the other friend who was also serving in this capacity, and who has herself packed up and moved a total of (gasp) thirteen times.
And here's the thing: When we had reduced that one carload of full boxes marked "kitchen" to empty ones, and I thought about the packing of those boxes and the many other boxes bound for other rooms and all the what-to-save and what-goes-where decisions this involved, I truly was quite moved by the very real moving experience.
George's Mae? Isn't she a sweetie! Say hi for me, please.
sk--the very one...and yes, she is...and so I will.
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