FOR MORE REASONS than simply patting myself on the back, I wish for realization of the prophetic statement I made on Inauguration Day concerning our new president. So this evening I was eager to hear what he had to say to us all. I wanted to be favorably impressed and find his intentions and ideas for improving the health and welfare of this ailing country to be ones I could applaud. And I was not disappointed!
When he speaks, I hear a certain kind of wisdom that has been lacking in our head of government for...well, since I can't remember when. His sincere desire to dispense with partisan politics; his realization that he will need to bend to some degree, if he wishes to accomplish his agenda; his sense of the responsibility that we all share and his admonishment to that effect; his grasp of the problems we face and their roots; his determination to lead without the use of fearmongering; the speed with which he has taken up the authority vested in him and begun to deal with the monumental task he faces; and the confidence and cautious optimism with which he led this great pep rally...all inspired me.
Then, as he wrapped up his speech, he made mention of my children's children*. Now I have to say, I certainly share the particular story-telling dream he mentioned, for reasons that include--and go beyond--the need for America's rise to its present-day challenge. May the goal be attained, the wish come true--in all its aspects--not t00 many years from now!
*yet to appear on the family tree
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