SO YOU KNOW that I took off on a trip somewhere to be with family on Thanksgiving Day. And you know it was out of state. Just in case you do not know this bit of skyline, include the fact that it's down there below the Mason-Dixon line...yep, this city was definitely a part of the Old South. Hey, it even got burnt to the ground during the Civil War.
Need more?
The James River runs right through this state capitol.
The state was one of the original thirteen colonies.
Okay...this clue should give it away: It was the Confederate capitol during the Civil War.
Now you know, don't you, that Richmond, Virginia, is where I spent my Thanksgiving holiday. Whew. I wouldn't want to think you forgot everything you learned in American history class!
My son, his wife, and Nora the cat live there, and they cooked and cleaned and hosted quite generously (well, Nora didn't do any cooking or cleaning, but she graciously put up with the influx of the whole kit and caboodle).
The Virginia Museum of Fine Arts, with its large collection of Faberge works (no photos allowed in that room)...
and enough paintings and sculptures of horses to keep one member of the family engrossed far longer than we'd anticipated!
Not just one, but two parks to keep us all happy and occupied...
...and quite a bit of interesting fauna, as well!
Possibly just as well that I had only my camera-of-little-memory or I'd be simply inundating you...and we still have another park to go...
We can walk out into the river...not the James I've known, but still charming in its shallow, rocky way.
And (oh, it was worth it!)... many old tumble-downs and historical remains.
And another...
Moving along a little stress-free shopping (it's Black Friday, but we're in shops, and there's no grabbing, no snatching, not even the faintest suggestion of a stampede).
Then some engaging architectural sights...and a camera too full to hold another byte!
Except this one more I've just got to have... of two new friends! Clara and Helen made me want to get out of bed early and trot down to the hotel breakfast room each morning so as not to miss their lively conversations. Turns out Clara's got a son in Richmond, too... (he's a rabbi at a synagogue near my son's apartment)... and a more animated and upbeat octogenarian I've never met. Would that I'd have this much joie de vivre, should I live to eighty-four! The same is true of Helen, though she's no octogenarian (Shhh...Helen doesn't know her sister told me... she's a decade older than Clara!)
We hope to meet again next year...when we'll all travel over at least one river, and perhaps through the woods (flying from Manhattan?), for another Richmond Thanksgiving.
It was a first-rate day... a definitely first-rate stay!
A fine family picture--blow it up!
But what is that on your breakfast plate? Chinese cabbage? And a plump egg-whites-only omelet??
Thank you...hard to get a photo of eight people that meets everyone's expectations!
On the plate? Just a lowly banana peel and a crumpled up napkin...tee hee. The Comfort Inn serves nothing so exotic as Chinese cabbage for breakfast. Interesting if they did!
Do I know you, S.?
Nevermind. I just looked at your profile. Sparse though it is, of course I recognize those likes and that location (although I did forget the name of your spot in the boonies). Oh, yeah. I surely know you! (lucky me).
Hi mom, I finally found QQ: impressive!! Nice pictures and the blog sets them up really well - looks like an idyllic vacation! It was a good time...SJS
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