RIGHT THIS WAY...stepping back into the story of my twenty-hour stay at the ocean, which occurred a week ago today. The sun was heading down the sky and the ocean birds were populating the beach. I wanted to populate it along with them, contemplating (briefly and not very seriously) the idea of sleeping on the beach.
A much better idea was to sleep on the deck...
.where I'd be able to hear the ocean waves and look up at the stars. But first: A dinner of shrimp and pasta prepared by Shishe and Sveta (that charming young woman at the table), and a long evening of sitting by the fire (note that portable fireplace; it's beautiful when filled with bright, crackling activity). I then crawled beneath blankets and went to sleep swinging gently in the hammock.
Was this just a dream? It was deja vu, once again sleeping out in the open air, being lulled to sleep by the rhythmic sounds of water on a shoreline. And once again, there was Orion, standing with sword at side. This time it was he, and not the moon, looking me in the face when I opened my eyes very early in the morning. He seemed bemused by the fact that I hadn't thought to put as many blankets beneath me on the hammock as I piled on top myself. Oh yes, I was cold. Too cold to sleep well, but sleeping just well enough that I couldn't rouse myself to re-arrange the blankets.
Still, there was the gentle sway of the hammock. And, there were the waves crashing on the shore.
And, then...my second vision, in less than a week, of the sun rising!
The sky lightened, and, as I raised my sleepy head to view the horizon, something seemed very odd. Land ho! What kind of crazy continental shift had moved Europe within viewing distance while I slept? Was it something in the wine last night? To what phenomenon could I attribute that strip of land on the horizon?
(to be continued)
...don't you love a cliff-hanger, Reader Dear?!
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