I TUMBLED OUT of bed early this morning in order to go and oversee the installation of four new additions to what you might call my Tree Collection. When I prefaced my description of Sassy, the cat, with the remark that I've never been much of an animal lover, I could have told you then that I've always favored flora over fauna. Of course, if you've read many of the previous posts you've more than likely noticed my affinity for flowers. And shrubs. And then, of course, we have trees.
When my favorite nursery advertised free delivery and planting of any trees purchased, I couldn't resist. It's always been a dream of mine to have a little orchard. I figured that now was a good time to bring that dream to fruition (which seems a very appropriate word for this particular dream, don't you agree, Reader Dear?) Yes, I know fruit trees take a lot of attention. I'm aware that they have to be watered and sprayed and pruned and fussed over in numerous ways. But isn't there the possibility of rich rewards?
So are you curious what kind of fruit I'm going to be plucking off my trees next year? Am I rushing things with my expectations? I have a lot to learn about orchard husbandry. But I do know how to make introductions...
Soon to follow was the Espaliered* Apple...
(*this is a French word meaning "to throw out one's arms and say 'welcome to my fruit' "**)
I surely hate to play favorites, but....oh, my...espaliered! And four kinds of apples on one tree!
(I was practically jumping up and down in my glee!)
So then, thirdly, there is the semi-dwarf Balaton Cherry.
Now with all three of the fruit trees safely delivered into their beds, I will relax and report on tree baby number four, tomorrow.
**Yeah, I made it up. Actual meaning is: "trained to grow flat". Ugh. Sticking with my own definition.
(to be con't)...
So when is the delivery date of the first luscious fruits?
Whenever Harry and David can get here with it! Ha.
Hey there Kathy!!!
I finally figured out how to get to your blog, which Suzanna gave to me. How are the trees surviving the winter? The photos of them are great.
Are you researching on how to care for them? Got your jam recipes out?
So far, so good! I'm delighted they survived the winter.
I read about it some days ago in another blog and the main things that you mention here are very similar
Hey, Anony---what are you saying? Are you creeping around in my little orchard with a mask on?
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