...that's the title of this post. Since I've not been in the habit of naming my posts, I'll have to explain this exception. Olio just happens to be one of my favorite words. One of many, it's true, but one that can often be manuevered into a sentence. This time it's perfectly appropriate for a title.
And that's because, as will soon become evident, I have no main topic for this posting. Nothing to exclaim and go on and on about. Expound. Rave. Story-tell. Just a small olio of thoughts.
I have an IPOD that I got for Christmas last year. In my technological inadequacy, I had put not the first song on this marvelous little music-holder. It was languishing in a drawer. But now! Within the previous week, and with assistance, I've managed to populate it with an impressive olio of music. I'm a procrastinator rejoicing in Cat Stevens and Mozart!
I've been to Obama headquarters several times already this week. Here's what I do: drive into the city, park in one of twenty designated parking places that have been donated by the owner of the lot, cross the street and enter the building which is now pretty familiar to me, go up the steps to the large room that shouts "Go, Obama!" It's filled with tables, mostly holding stacks of papers. Some hold computers and phones. I pick up a list of names with phone numbers, find an available phone and start dialing numbers, looking for the prize--an undecided voter! Seated around me there's usually an olio of fellow volunteers, a nice bouquet of age-race-gender. There's a loud babble of voices. "I'm a volunteer with the Obama-Biden campaign. I'm wondering if you've made a decision..."
In other news, I'm happy to report that we've had rain at least every two days since the planting of the baby trees. Good aspect: no need to figure out a way to transport eight gallons of water and give them a good watering. Bad aspect: too wet to take my walk. Good aspect: at least I have a good excuse for the non-exercise. Bad aspect: I'm not exercising my self-discipline. (You'll notice, however, I did say I'm "happy to report," which pretty much tells you how I feel about it overall!)
Sad to report that all of my flowers, with the exception of one pot of nasturtiums huddling under the porch, have followed the warm sunny days into extinction. Arrrgh. Bad aspect: It's cold. I am too old for cold. Good aspect:? you tell me!
I'd appreciate a whole olio of reasons!