Ah, Reader Dear, just let me explain "The Soiree" to you (you know, I'll tell you exactly what it is).
Then, I'll give you details. But here's a note of caution: Watch out for a slight bit of green emanating from your psyche before I have finished with my tale (Oh, Dear Reader, you know that's not my aim. It just might happen, however, that you will be a teensy bit jealous. It can't be helped).
I've got a very good friend who's got a very generous sister who, once a year, throws this party for all of her female kin (her sister, those married to her brothers, her nieces, those married to her nephews.
The Soiree is normally a twenty-four hour event at the home of the woman who hosts it (I'm going to call her AH for Awe-inspiring Hostess!). She is the one who generally cooks the exotic meals, and who strews air mattresses on the floor to accommodate sleep for all who attend. (This history of The Soiree was all told to me. Keep in mind, Reader Dear, that you're getting it second-hand information.I'm trying diligently to make sure it's all correct.
Generally there are up to a dozen or more women attending The Soiree. The Awe-inspiring Hostess always has grand surprises for her guests (I heard one year she escorted them to a salon, and they all walked out of there with their hundreds of fingers and toes freshly manicured and pedicured, all snazzily painted, compliments of this superb hostess! Traditionally, she also treats them to one evening meal out. And she's always got a physical gift for each attendee as well. Oh, my!

Now, you may be wondering how it all came about that I ended up with an invite to this event! I understand your curiosity, and I perceive that ever-so-slight tinge of green. Here's how it went:
The HM and I spent time at a lovely rental house in Elkton, Virginia, a month or so ago. I've told you all about it, Reader Dear!
While there, the HM and I issued an invitation to the very good friend whom I mentioned in the opening remarks (of this post, Dear One! I told you about that, too, you know! [I do understand, things may be getting murky (the current story has several background stories, all taking place at this spot in Elkton, Virginia (just jump over all of this, Reader Dear [it's not all that pertinent])]).
Following that visit, Mi Amiga Preciosa suggested to her sister (the Awe-inspiring Hostess) that perhaps she'd wish to hold The Soiree at this rental vacation house in the mountains of Virginia (rather than at her own home where The Soiree is usually held).
After the Husband of Mine and I and our family had returned home from our lovely vacation spot in Elkton, Virginia, the Awe-inspiring Hostess (sister of my friend) called me to obtain the rental contact information for the house. And then she issued an invitation for ME to attend The Soiree! I was to be the "mystery guest" about whom she'd pique everyone's curiosity.
Okay. NOW. You follow all that, Reader Dear?!
Last Friday evening at six p.m.: I arrived at the Elkton house in the mountains of Virginia. The AH had informed me that she was hiring a Master Chef to prepare the meals because a health issue was preventing her from whipping up her usual culinary delights. Not ever having been to The Soiree previously, I was busy trying to conjure how one would hire a Master Chef at such a (relatively) remote location and for such a (relatively extended) event--hors d'oeuvres and an evening meal on Day 1; a morning brunch, a mid-afternoon dessert on Day 2; a breakfast on Day 3. I did not have the slightest suspicion that it would be a fellow attendee.
Here's the thing I'd neglected to consider: This family, does, in fact, include a Master Chef! I was likely the only invited one who didn't know or have a strong suspicion ahead of time that Jenny (neice of the Awe-inspiring Hostess) was to be the chef! She it was who spent a large amount of time in the kitchen, and served the group of nine with fabulous and bounteous spreads!

To the left is the Awe-inspiring Hostess of The Soiree!
Because the weather was quite chilly, there was not a great rush to the pool following brunch on Saturday.
All nine of us--AH and guests-- spent a good length of time there in the hot tub.
We luxuriated.
We lounged
We laughed.
We were one big tub full of buoyant bon vivants!*
*Strictly my description, Dear One.
...to be continued...