Even though I'll concede that life expectancy has risen over the years, I still maintain that this new number of three-score-and-ten years that I've accumulated is a valid entry into Old Age!

But be aware, Dear Reader, there can be perks (other than being called "dearie" and "honey" by strangers, and having the door held open for one when out in public.

On my birthday eve, I got in on a celebration with three generations--only three persons missing from this closest group of kind kin, who treated me to a birthday dinner!
It was a fancy meal at a fancy restaurant, with a fancy drink (compliments of the restaurant) to go with the sumptuous birthday cake!
The birthday cake was equipped with re-lighting candles, I might add (always a hit with my crew of small actors!)
It was a lovely evening!
Then, there was the actual anniversary of the day I was born.
I spent most of the day with Husband-of-Mine.
There was lunch in the city:
There was a unique sidewalk rendition of my song for the day, beautiful in its "Happy Birthday" generosity, played for me by a total stranger (whose mother seemed intent on having him perform; and me encouraging the performance, as well).
I also basked in a birthday massage by this friendly masseur.
I was with this daughter-of-mine (the Dark-haired One) who had a masseuse working on her back and shoulders right there in the chair beside me.
Then there was this: a would-be Happy Birthday song sung to me, had the Itty-Bitty Actor not changed his mind about the whole endeavor.
Supper was with the HM at a favorite Asian restaurant.
In addition, there were lots of you (Readers Dear) and even some other well-wishers communicating their "Happy Birthday" thoughts and paper communications and actual, open-and-enjoy physical presents (in addition to physical presence in some cases)!
I'm thinking this Old Age thing might conceivably add up to even bigger birthdays in the future!
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