Saturday, December 26, 2015

Christmas Day led right into

the Day after Christmas, which led right into the eating of chicken-corn pies.  It's an immutable tradition for the extended family of The Yard Man!

Of course, we didn't move our forty-two selves to the garage and eat those one-dozen homemade chicken-corn pies with the gallon of gravy and the home-baked rolls  (may the sis-in-law Beth and the bro-in-law Rob please take a monumental bow and may the whole extended family leap to their feet and with rousing Christmas spirit give them a standing ovation!) and the several salads and the fancy pears and all the desserts until after...(oh, Dear Reader, should you grimace and put your hand to your stomach I won't complain...) until after we'd eaten the pre-pie spread*!

*Talking about the hors d'oeuvres , Reader Dear.
(We never call them that [but we do have lofty
discussions every now and then (after all, we've
got bro-in-law Walt to raise the bar on subject

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