draws near.
I called the Dark-haired Daughter and David this afternoon, on the first leg of their trip from Asheville, NC (I supposed). "
Where are you?" I asked
. "Are you getting here around midnight?"
"No, we're only an hour away!" she said. "
We left early!"
So, Reader Dear, it turned out
they (Dark-haired Daughter, the [dark-haired] Son-in-Law, along with the [dark-haired] dog) were also drawing near!

Turns out, The Small Actor and his dad were on their way to our house, too. So I lit into the mountain of food on my kitchen counter (just back from a food-procurement shopping trip),

and I did myself proud with a very tasty sausage and tomato soup (
Best he ever ate, declared The Yard Man;
hmm, he's prone to superlatives, Reader Dear, when he's hoping for a repeat!) And I chopped up fruit for salad (my latest binge).
Here's the thing, Dear Reader. I knew Christmas was getting close, but I didn't expect it to get out of the car with our dear loved ones the way it did!

Oh, Merry Holidays!
Lovely post. Lovely night kitchen.
Thanks, lovely friend! Q.
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