Sunday, October 5, 2014


of Dark-haired Daughter and David:

Owing in part to the sunny and informal nature of the event, there was no rehearsal.  Hence, how was the First Flower Girl to know that when her mission was accomplished, it wasn't in the plan for her to simply scamper back up the aisle to her mother?!

Similarly, the Final Tiny Flower Boy had no idea his job was not to collect those scattered flowers others had, for some puzzling reason, strewn on the ground!

When the Little Actor, acting as Official Ring Bearer, handed over the rings, the Small Actor, acting as Escort to Official Ring Bearer,  emptied his pockets. Just to make doubly certain, you know, that he didn't also have rings to deliver!

(Be assured, Viewer Dear, the unscripted version was, oh, so charming!)

And, then, next down the aisle were the bride and groom!  (Ah, did I already use the word charming?!)

When the sun kept on shining, and the band kept on playing, and the couple spoke their vows of love and devotion to one another, that Mother of the Bride cried sunny and unscripted tears of happiness!

(Reader Dear, this story will go on...


gyjb said...

Caroline was a gorgeous bride, (the dress, the hair and the bright lipstick), the groom was dashing too, and it was a beautiful day.

swa said...

I love the comments by the father of the bride. Also Lewis is beside me making some interesting comments about babies. He said, "I bet shes fat right now!" When I asked why he said, "Because she has a baby in her belly." :)

KTdid said...

Thanks for the comment, Gail! I'm so glad your whole family could be there! Q.

KTdid said...

Swa…that's very funny. L. is one smart little guy, does he have some inside info?!

sk said...

I love it, love it. What we missed!

sk said...

I love it, love it. What we missed!

KTdid said...

Alas, sk, I wish the fates had allowed it.

Anonymous said...

" I love the little ones walking down the aisle and Caroline's dress was beautiful."