And to this show with friends in tow,
my farmer and I did go.
Apologies to the friends, who actually had us in tow, if you want to consider they're the ones who suggested it: Hey, do you wanna go to the Farm Show? and then drove the vehicle to get us there. Of course, once we got to the Farm Show Complex, it was the only one of us who knows more than a smidgen (or even wishes to) about the breeding and raising of livestock (yes, certainly--that would be the horse farmer I live with) who took the
of four-footed, furry or feathered animals to another.
While ogling farm animals of every size and description, I was eating freshly made potato doughnuts (to die for) and snapping so many photos that now there is a jumbled over-abundance spilling out of my camera.
I promise I'll do some trimming,
and won't show you every adorable little animal eating it's dinner
or obsessively cleaning itself
(or being obsessively cleaned).
But of course I have to show you these two creatures, because it seemed like they'd be the answer to a trick question of some kind.
And I must show you some areas of the show that involve crops. Yeah, know, the Vegan Section!
The displays in this area don't snooze or lick themselves or snuggle adorably next to each other, but if it's all about food, glorious food---and it is, isn't it?*---then this part can be exciting, too. Hey, no one in the livestock section was passing out free samples of mutton or roast duckling--not even little ole chicken wings; but here we did get crispy chunks of apple to sample, and other fruit and veggie treats.
And I'll just bet I exclaimed more profusely over the apple displays than I did the bovines.
Near the end of our trek through the Farm Show Complex, we came to the Christmas trees--one of my favorite displays. Whereas some areas of the Farm Show are a tiny bit odor-challenged, this one smells delightful. It's a fine crop to look at, but...
Well, the 2010 Pennsylvania Farm Show continues for two more days. If you're hankering to see your little lamb chop while it's still strolling around, I suggest you hurry over...err, down...
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