Wednesday, August 5, 2009


FOR A REPORT ON THE CONDITION of the leaking water pipe and the torn-up flower bed and the person in charge of the fretting and fussing that was done yesterday, did I really tell you to "check back tomorrow"?

After frittering away a whole entire day just to nervously oversee that whole big contretemps, I don't have as much time today to blab on about how it's not such a big deal, really. The complaints died away after the plumber left late in the day and I looked down into that hole, which looked eerily as though it had been dug for some other purpose, and felt grateful that it was just a plain old hole, after all!

Today, filled in with a little gravel and the early morning sun, followed by the stuff that spent the night beside the opening just waiting to undo it, the hole has been quickly obliterated.

Yesterday I got running water restored to me, I got back my stove and oven and refrigerator and music and all that other electrical stuff. I'll get the flower garden back, too...all I've got to do is get busy and make up the bed.

Which I'll do as soon as I make up the bed and get busy.


1 comment:

SJS said...

um...glad that got fixed...