IT'S LILY SEASON. LOVELY LILY SEASON. Seeing as how they are on my short list of favorite flowers--partially because they come in my favorite colors--I thought I would catalog all that I saw today, beginning with the ones on my dining room table.
These are from the overgrown mass in my flower garden, and while they please me, I'm even more fond of the ones growing in lush abundance beside the roads. They're so generous with their wild orange beauty.
I rather soon realized, however, that you, Dear Reader, would likely get exasperated, if not downright irritated, were I to show you every single one of the clumps of lilies along my path today as I drove to Fair View to unlock #15 in order that two very efficient young men could take a thoroughly fogged-up patio door out of its sliding track and place it over two sawhorses and operate on it. (The glass-replacement surgery was fascinating.) And then you might even now be mumbling to yourself if I'd kept snapping pictures en route to the Home Depot store (where I spent fifteen minutes in aisle three trying to obtain a few electrical outlet cover plates in non-breakable nylon and in the color off-white [ivory would have sufficed, as would have ecru, beige, tan, buff, cream, oatmeal, sand...geez, I'd have even accepted camel!] You can bet I was doing plenty of mumbling myself until I went to procure a 33 and a 1/2 inch dowel rod in aisle eleven and a young man in an orange apron stepped right up and produced one with a hand saw in less time than it took to even find an employee in aisle three.)
Oops, wasn't I speaking of the ubiquitous lily? And determining not to show you too many of the ones I spotted? Yes, Dear Reader, I was. And therefore, although I relished the sight of many glorious clumps and groupings and expanses of them today, I'm showing you very few. Even if you care no more about lilies than a horse's--you know--rear-end, you're not likely to feel I've overshared.
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