MARCH TROTTED AWAY like a woolly little lamb.
In fact, today was such a lamb-like day that the guy who does clean-up around our yard spent the afternoon wielding the rake, electric pruners and leaf blower. He built a fire in the meadow to burn up the long-winter lawn debris, and really tidied up the place. He's a good guy for the job, works well and is so familiar with the grounds.
I made some supper for him after he put the tools away and fed his barn-full of horses.
Aw, this is sweet.
And you've been talentedly prolific lately, so I'm green.
Did I say "green" before? Probably, overridden as I am. Do you maybe have a book to write?
Did you say it before? Before what?
Anyway, I can't figure it out why ever you'd be that color--(you're all done with Oz)--and have a (WV) mountain of talent!
I recognize the guy who does your yard.
You sure are green out there already.
Good to see you're blog-wise.
Yes, we're green--he'll soon be mowing!
Dear Qathy,
Okay, it's time for more, now. Things get lonely around here--gotta have my fixes.
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